Kyrgyz President embarks on state visit to Azerbaijan

  24 April 2024    Read: 503
  Kyrgyz President embarks on state visit to Azerbaijan

 Kyrgyz President Sadyr Zhaparov has left for Azerbaijan on a state visit, the press service of the Kyrgyz leader said, reports.

According to the report, the delegation includes:

Foreign Minister Jeenbek Kulubaev;

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers - Minister of Water Resources, Agriculture, and Processing Industry Bakyt Torobaev;

Head of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration Muratbek Azymbakiev;

Minister of Education and Science Dogdurkul Kendirbaeva;

Minister of Culture, Information, Sports, and Youth Policy Altynbek Maksutov;

Minister of Digital Development Nuria Kutnaeva;

Minister of Transport and Communications Tilek Tekebayev;

Minister of Energy Taalaibek Ibraev;

Minister of Economy and Commerce Daniyar Amangeldiev;

Minister of Labor, Social Security, and Migration Gulnara Baatyrova;

Minister of Health Alymkadyr Beishenaliyev;

Minister of Justice Ayaz Baetov;

Chairman of the Board of the State Mortgage Company Almambet Shykmamatov;

Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Azerbaijan Kairat Osmonaliyev;

Manager of presidential affairs Kanybek Tumanbaev.

To note, Sadyr Zhaparov's previous visit to Azerbaijan took place on November 23–24, 2023, to participate in the summit of heads of state of the UN Special Program for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA).

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