Azerbaijan put particular emphasis on cooperation with relevant UN human rights treaty bodies - MFA

  25 April 2024    Read: 665
Azerbaijan put particular emphasis on cooperation with relevant UN human rights treaty bodies - MFA

 On April 23-24, 2024, a presentation of the fifth periodic report of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment within the framework of the 79th session of the UN Committee against Torture was held in Geneva, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said, reports.

It is noted that the Republic of Azerbaijan was represented at the event by a delegation led by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Samir Sharifov.

The Deputy Minister noted that the Republic of Azerbaijan attaches great importance to cooperation with the relevant UN human rights treaty bodies, and informed the committee members in detail about the judicial reforms carried out recently in the country, as well as other progressive steps in the implementation of the obligations arising from the Convention.

In his speech, the Deputy Minister stated that the Republic of Azerbaijan, for the first time after the liberation of Azerbaijani lands from 30 years of Armenian occupation, will implement throughout the country the obligations arising from international treaties to which the country is a party.

Sharifov informed in detail about the measures taken by the government of the Republic of Azerbaijan to deepen legislative reforms, including the introduction of new information technologies, as well as numerous local and foreign trainings, seminars and training programs for law enforcement officers on the topic of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

In addition, members of the committee discussed measures taken to ensure the independence of the judicial and legal system, modernize the justice system, improve the penitentiary infrastructure, provide quality medical services to prisoners, humanize punitive policies, introduce alternative punishments, combat human trafficking and domestic violence, and ensure children's rights, including information about adopted national action plans and state programs in the field of eliminating all forms of violence against children.

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