Baku Peace Platform participants appeal to the people of Azerbaijan and Armenia

  31 December 2016    Read: 5313
Baku Peace Platform participants appeal to the people of Azerbaijan and Armenia
On occasion of the New Year, the participants of Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace Platform appeal to the people of Azerbaijan and Armenia.

The authors of the appeal stated that the year 2016, which is coming to the end was memorable for the Azerbaijani and Armenian people with the establishment of the Baku Peace Platform.

`In order to bring peace and achieve the long-term settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through dialogue based on the common agreement and understanding, the civil society activists of the Azerbaijan and Armenia have made initiative for the first time since the conflict begin`, the statement reads.

The initiation has gained great public support by many political and public figures. A number of positive statements addressed to the participants of the platform prove it again.

The participants of the platform firmly believes that the proposed initiation will help the expansion of the cooperation between the communities of both sides and will be supported by the every sensible citizen striving for the peace and prosperity of the Azerbaijani and Armenian people.

There is no doubt that principal and successive activity of all peace-loving people who merge around the Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace Platform will allow our nations to end hate and hostile relationship among each-other. At the same time, it will lead to the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and achievement of long-awaited peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia. However, meaningless war still knocks the door our people and claims lives of youth.Another clash occurred on the contact line between Azerbaijan and Armenia on December 29. We extend our deepest condolences to the loved ones and relatives of those who died. The future of our nations is on our shoulders. People of these two countries want to live in flourishing and developing countries. We are responsible for the bright future of next generations. Let`s stop hostility, hatred, insult and conflicts. Let`s get together around Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace Platform for the welfare of Azerbaijani and Armenian nations and put forward our efforts to provide peace and stability in the South Caucasus. We wish you a new year filled with peace, welfare and prosperity`.

From the Armenian side, the statement of the platform was signed by Vahe Aventian (human rights defender), Vaan Martirosian (chairman of Public Organization “National Liberation Movement”), Syusan Djaginian ( journalist, vice-president of human rights non-governmental organization “Meridian” ) and Vaan Karapetyan (member of the Writers` Union of Armenia), Anahit Sinanian and Armen Karapetyan (Civil Society activists). From the Azerbaijani side, Rovshan Rzayev (a member of the Azerbaijani Community of Nagorno-Karabakh), Kamil Safarov (professor of Baku State University) and Shalala Hasanova (chairwoman of Public Union “Support for the Development of Communication with Public”), Novella Jafaroglu (the chairperson of the Dilara Aliyeva Society for Women`s Rights) and Parvana Mammadova (Civil Society activist) and Rasim Aghayev (member of Azerbaijan Journalists Union) signed the document.

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