The Global Alliance for the Missing was launched on 11 May 2021 on the margins of the 150th anniversary of the Central Tracing Agency by ICRC President Peter Maurer and Swiss Secretary of State Livia Leu.
Azerbaijan joined the initiative in January 2022 at the invitation of the ICRC.
Azerbaijan joined the ICRC considering ICRC President Peter Maurer's commitment to international commitments to clarify the fate of thousands of people missing during the conflict in Azerbaijan, as well as on the importance of its role at the global level as the co-author of the UN General Assembly Resolution on Missing Persons. Azerbaijan has been cooperating with the ICRC by collecting information on missing persons and receiving technical support since the 1990s.
The first meeting of the Global Alliance was held on April 7, 2022, reports citing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The meeting was attended by representatives of 10 countries that have joined the Alliance so far (Azerbaijan, Argentina, Estonia, Kuwait, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, the Republic of Korea, and Switzerland).
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