Northern Cyprus' President receives Azerbaijani and Turkish Ombudspersons

  21 May 2024    Read: 812
Northern Cyprus

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Ersin Tatar received Azerbaijan’s Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) Sabina Aliyeva and Chief Ombudsman of Türkiye Şeref Malkoç, who are visiting Lefkosa at the invitation of TRNC Ombudsman İlkan Varol. The Turkish Ambassador to Lefkosa, Metin Feyzioğlu, also attended the reception, which focused on the role of interaction between Turkic states in advancing TRNC interests.

Ersin Tatar expressed optimism that, with the support of friendly countries and the platform of the Organization of Turkic States, it would be possible to better inform the global community about the realities of Turkish Cyprus and to ensure their rights. He highlighted the importance of mutual contacts at various levels, including state officials, parliaments, ombudsman institutions, and other organizations.

Sabina Aliyeva emphasized the importance of unity among Turkic peoples, expressing hope that the issues faced by the Turkish people of Cyprus would soon be resolved. She noted that the TRNC delegation would participate in events organized by the Azerbaijani ombudsman institution later this year.

Şeref Malkoç also expressed his support for the Turkish Cypriots.

During their visit, the ombudspersons will meet with TRNC Parliament Speaker Zorlu Töre and Prime Minister Ünal Üstel in Lefkosa. Additionally, a tripartite meeting between the ombudspersons of Türkiye, TRNC, and Azerbaijan will take place in the capital of Northern Cyprus.

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