Russia detains fourth top defence figure for bribe-taking

  23 May 2024    Read: 661
  Russia detains fourth top defence figure for bribe-taking

Russia has detained the deputy head of the army's general staff, Lieutenant-General Vadim Shamarin, on suspicion of large-scale bribe-taking, Russian media reported on Thursday.

It is the fourth arrest of a high-ranking defence figure in the space of a month, starting on April 23 when Deputy Defence Minister Timur Ivanov was placed in pre-trial detention for suspected bribe-taking.

Since then, Lieutenant-General Yuri Kuznetsov, head of personnel at the defence ministry, and Major-General Ivan Popov, former commander of Russia's 58th army, have also been arrested.

The scandal is the biggest to hit the Russian government in years. The arrests signal a major effort to stamp out corruption surrounding the awarding of lucrative military contracts.

Three other people have also been arrested - a friend of Ivanov, a boss at a construction company alleged to have paid bribes, and the former head of several companies subordinate to the defence ministry.

Shamarin is a deputy to Valery Gerasimov, head of the general staff. Gerasimov has not been accused of any wrongdoing, though he has at times faced harsh criticism over the performance of Russia's military in the war in Ukraine.

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