4 massacres in a century - INTERVIEW

AzVision.az will share precise information on deported Azerbaijanis, as well as researches by scientists on this theme via video materials and articles. Today, our interviewee is Jabi Amirvar oglu Bahramov, The Director of Historical Science, professor, Ph.D., Corresponding member ANAS.
- Mr Bahramov says that, Armenians committed the most brutal crimes genocide, deportation and ethnic cleansing against our people. After Gulustan (1813) and Turkmenchay (1828) treaties more than 125 thousand Armenians were resettled to Northern Azerbaijan from Iran and Ottoman Empire. Obviously, the resettlement is the result of “Caucasus policy” by tsarist Russia.
Massacres were committed in different regions of Azerbaijan in the early 20th century by the instigation of tsar Russia. So-called Armenian province including Irevan and Nakhchivan were created in the west of Northern Azerbaijan.
No doubt, Armenians’ resettlement in the historical Azerbaijani lands were completed by means of the deportation of Azerbaijani people from their native lands. Deportation, ethnic cleansing and genocide policy reached to its peak point in 1918 -1920s. 700 thousand Turkic Muslims were subjected to ethnic cleansing and genocide. This was ordered by the USSR, in order to ravage Azerbaijani people in Baku and to arrogate Azerbaijani oil.
Only in Baku, 30 thousand people were killed; Lenin wrote in his letter to Ter-Qabrielyana: “burn the city and inform the media on it”.
One of the most brutal crimes committed against Azerbaijani people is the resolutions adopted by the Soviet Union on shifting hundred thousand of Armenians from “Armenia SSR” to Western Azerbaijan, during 1948-1953s. Actually, the Soviet Union committed the crimes that Tsar Russia couldn’t been able to realize. For example, 128 thousand people were killed in Azerbaijan in 1920-1930s. 48 thousand of them were killed in 1920-1921 and 72-80 thousand people were killed as a result of repressions in 1937-1938.
The last phase covers the period from1988 till 1994. More than 700 thousand Azerbaijani people were subjected to ethnic cleansing and deportation in 1988-1994.
Besides, 40 toponomic names in Western Azerbaijan were changed. This contradicts all conventions by UNESCO, since 1954. Armenians are all responsible for these issues, as well.