Ukraine Releases Statement about Kalbajar hostages

  08 January 2015    Read: 1289
Ukraine Releases Statement about Kalbajar hostages
The statement has been sent to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Ukraine and to the Embassies of the OSCE Minsk Group countries in Kiyev.
United Diaspora of Ukrainian Azerbaijanis (COUD) protests the so-called trial on Dilgam Asgerov and Shahbaz Kuliyev, taken hostage by Armenia and unfair judge about them.

The Diaspora reminds that three Azerbaijani civilians, who tried to visit the graves of their relatives in the occupied Kelbejar district in July of 2014, were taken hostages by the Armed Forces of Armenia.

In its Resolution 822 of April 1993, the UN Security Council confirms that the occupied Kelbajar district is a territory of Azerbaijan and demands withdrawal of all occupying forces from this and other occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Due to the ethnic cleansing of all Azerbaijani population, the Security Council in this Resolution expressed, inter alia, its grave concern at the humanitarian emergency in the region, in particular in the Kelbadjar district.

“We, United Diaspora of Ukrainian Azerbaijanis call the international organizations to undertake effective measures to restore peace”.

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