Turkish president demand prosecutors hiding in Armenia to return to country

  12 August 2015    Read: 2575
Turkish president demand prosecutors hiding in Armenia to return to country
President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan demanded that prosecutors Zekeriya Oz and Celal Kara return to the country, the Turkish TV channel TRT Haber said August 12.
Sooner or later, Zekeriya Oz and Celal Kara, who are hiding in Armenia, will answer for their deeds, according to Erdogan.

It was earlier reported that Turkish prosecutors Zekeriya Oz and Celal Kara, who are being charged with supporting the movement of Fethullah Gulen (an Islamic public figure residing in the US) and organizing illegal gangs, are hiding in Armenia.

Zekeriya Oz and Celal Kara were investigating the corruption scandal in Turkey, which took place December 17, 2013.

Turkish police held special operations in Istanbul and Ankara on December 17, 2013, resulting in the arrest of several dozen people, including businessmen and the sons of some ministers. The detainees were accused of corruption, smuggling and selling drugs.

Former Interior Minister Muammar Guler’s son, Baris Guler, former Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan’s son, Salih Kaan Caglayan, the Mayor of Istanbul’s Fatih Municipality Mustafa Demir, well known entrepreneur Ali Agaoglu and businessman Reza Zarrab were all arrested during the same operation by police.

The ministers resigned after the corruption scandal.

Turkish prosecutor’s office made a decision to release the detainees in February 2014.

Later, a court in Turkey ruled that the confiscated funds of the ex-head of Turkish Halk Bankasi, Suleyman Aslan, would be returned.

It was also decided to return the confiscated money of the ex-interior minister, Muammer Guler’s son, Baris Guler.

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