In Moscow detained "God Kuzya"

"Delayed initiator destructive sects, calling themselves "God Kuzya" and several of his closest aides. The Metropolitan apartments on 7 locations being searched, seized large sums of capital, a kind of literature and exotic animals in inappropriate conditions," said the adept of the Moscow police Andrew Galiakberova "Interfax".
According to militiamen, the operation to identify and prosecute statutory liability initiators extensive destructive sects is held by Metropolitan police officers from 5am. Some of the more than 100 police officers participated in the special operation on detention of members of the sect of "God Kuzi".
Police suspect the cultists in the group sell the parishioners of the capital`s temples - pretending to be representatives of the ROC they extorted cash. The scale of the fraud was that a day sectarians received up to 300 thousand roubles, informs LifeNews, citing a police source. To the best knowledge of the guards, the adepts of the sect can impute the article "the beating" - on Saturday they beat the guilty, as well as in the "rape" - the ladies were part of the sect were forced to debauchery.