Azerbaijan joins international conference on "Security Challenges for Europe"

  10 December 2023    Read: 672
Azerbaijan joins international conference on "Security Challenges for Europe"

Azerbaijani Ambassador to Croatia Anar Imanov has attended the international conference on "Security Challenges for Europe" in the capital city of Zagreb. The event was organized by RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation in collaboration with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Croatia and the George C. Marshall European Centre for Security Studies, reports citing Azertag. 

The conference, consisted of three panels on the topics “Energy and Climate as 21st Century Security Issues”, “Regional Energy Security in the Shadow of War in Ukraine” and “War in Ukraine and Euroatlantic Security”, explored economic and information security dimensions, along with the implications arising from the ongoing security developments in the Middle East. Additionally, it provided a forum for participants to exchange their respective national perspectives on Euro-Atlantic integration and regional defense cooperation.

The primary goal of this year’s conference was intricately linked to the Russia–Ukraine war and its repercussions for a Euro-Atlantic response, Climate change, and Energy security.

The event was attended by representatives of the ministries of foreign and internal affairs of the member countries, the ministries of defense, high-level representatives of the security policy, experts as well as members of governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Speaking at the conference's panel dedicated to energy security, Azerbaijani Ambassador Anar Imanov described his country as one of Europe's important partners in the energy sector, and hailed the country`s significant contribution to Europe's energy security amid the prevailing energy crisis. The ambassador highlighted the crucial pipelines facilitating the export of Azerbaijani oil and gas to Europe, particularly emphasizing the Southern Gas Corridor project designed to meet Europe's growing gas demand.

Providing insight into the cities and villages completely destroyed by Armenia in Azerbaijan`s liberated territories, the ambassador highlighted the ongoing extensive restoration and reconstruction works in these territories. The diplomat also briefed the event participates on the foreign investments opportunities in the liberated areas.

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