Speaker Gafarova meets with Chinese ambassador

  01 April 2024    Read: 622
Speaker Gafarova meets with Chinese ambassador

Sahiba Gafarova, Speaker of the Milli Majlis (the parliament) of Azerbaijan, met with Guo Min, China's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Azerbaijan, reported the Press and Public Relations Department of the Parliament.

During the meeting, Speaker Gafarova emphasized the strong and dynamic development of relations between Azerbaijan and China. She characterized the bilateral relationship as a strategic partnership, citing successful cooperation across numerous sectors. She acknowledged Ambassador Guo Min's role in fostering positive relations during her tenure.

Gafarova stressed the significance of high-level political dialogue between the heads of state of both nations. This mutual trust, she explained, serves as a solid foundation for the growth of bilateral relations in all areas. She pointed to President Ilham Aliyev's five visits to China as evidence of this commitment.

The importance of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in fostering cultural and humanitarian ties was also discussed. The meeting acknowledged the success of various joint projects undertaken in collaboration with the People's Society of Friendship with Foreign Countries of China.

The discussion highlighted the principle of mutual support regarding issues of critical importance to both countries. Azerbaijan's unwavering commitment to the "One China" policy, upholding China's territorial integrity and sovereignty, was reiterated. Similarly, China's consistent support for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty was acknowledged. The meeting also recognized the practice of mutual support within international organizations.

The importance of inter-parliamentary cooperation in fostering closer relations between the two countries and their people was a key topic. Both parties identified opportunities to further expand these ties, both bilaterally and within international organizations.

Ambassador Guo Min expressed her satisfaction with her time in Azerbaijan and commended the dynamic and steady development of relations between the two nations. She echoed the importance of strong ties between the heads of state as a driver for progress. Additionally, the Ambassador extended her congratulations on Azerbaijan's hosting of COP29 (29th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC).

Recognizing the vital role of inter-parliamentary relations, Ambassador Guo Min expressed her gratitude for the Azerbaijani Parliament's support of China on key issues. The discussion also acknowledged the historical connection between the two countries through the ancient Silk Road. Azerbaijan's early adoption of China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative was highlighted, along with the successful implementation of related projects in Azerbaijan. These projects have significantly enhanced Azerbaijan's transportation capabilities and opened doors for new large-scale economic endeavors.

The conversation included information on the extensive restoration and reconstruction initiatives underway in Azerbaijan's liberated territories. These projects encompass the development of "smart city," "smart village," and "green energy" concepts. Ambassador Guo Min confirmed her firsthand observation of the ongoing reconstruction work in these areas.

The meeting concluded with an exchange of views on other matters of shared interest.

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