FM Bayramov informs UK Foreign Secretary about steps taken by Azerbaijan regarding peace process

  18 July 2024    Read: 790
FM Bayramov informs UK Foreign Secretary about steps taken by Azerbaijan regarding peace process

Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov met with British Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs David Lammy on the sidelines of the European Political Community summit held in Woodstock, United Kingdom.

The meeting revolved around various aspects and prospects of the strategic partnership relations between Azerbaijan and the UK, issues of mutual interest on the regional and international agenda, as well as the current state of the Azerbaijan-Armenia normalization process.

The parties mentioned the existence of mutually beneficial cooperation between Azerbaijan and the United Kingdom across all domains, especially in the areas such as energy, education, humanitarian relations. Azerbaijan’s pivotal role as trade partner was highlighted at the meeting.

Noting that the British companies are successfully operating both in oil and non-oil sectors of Azerbaijan's economy, the sides pointed out the ample opportunities for further enhancing economic cooperation. Simultaneously, the parties deliberated the issues of cooperation in the field of "green energy" between the two countries, and commended broad prospects for cooperation with Azerbaijan in this realm.

Minister Bayramov noted that Azerbaijan's presidency of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) could contribute to enhancing the climate action in the current cooperation agenda.

During the meeting, the parties underscored that the existing dialogue, reciprocal visits and contacts between the two countries, including political consultations, make an essential contribution to evolving of relations.

FM Bayramov provided an insight into the current situation in the region, including the steps taken by Azerbaijan regarding the peace process, Azerbaijan’s position regarding the normalization of relations with Armenia, and the ongoing restoration and reconstruction works in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan. The minister underscored that despite the considerable progress on the text of the peace agreement, the territorial claims against Azerbaijan in the Constitution of Armenia hinder the achievement of lasting peace. The meeting also focused on the landmine threat facing Azerbaijan.

Minister Jeyhun Bayramov expressed gratitude for the efforts to hold a meeting between the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia with the initiative and participation of the UK Prime Minister on the sidelines of the European Political Community summit. The minister noted that the meeting was failed due to the refusal by Armenia, which in turn did not contribute to the peace process.

During the meeting, the two also exchanged views on other bilateral and regional issues of mutual interest.

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