Azerbaijani rejects accreditation request of Ukraine

  27 November 2014    Read: 906
Azerbaijani rejects accreditation request of Ukraine
Hajiyev said Ukraine’s 1+1 TV channel has made a request to the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry for relevant accreditation.

“Referring to the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on mass media outlets, the Foreign Ministry has considered the channel’s request in accordance with the rules for the accreditation of foreign mass media outlets. Unfortunately, representatives of this channel have engaged in journalistic activities in the territory of Azerbaijan, breaking accreditation rules and without obtaining a related accreditation card at the Foreign Ministry. That is violation of the law”.

Hajiyev said these persons have made a visit to Azerbaijan’s occupied territories without the consent of the Azerbaijani state and that their request doesn’t mention the fact that they would visit occupied Azerbaijani territories.

“During the program, there has been some hate speech against Azerbaijan. Now they’re trying to justify their actions with different pretexts,” he added.

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