Iran launches 3 oil recovery ships in Caspian Sea

  09 December 2014    Read: 1487
Iran launches 3 oil recovery ships in Caspian Sea
Iran has launched three oil recovery ships in the Caspian Sea to collect seawater polluted by oil, the official IRIB news agency reported Dec. 8.
The Islamic Republic’s Marine Industrial Company, located in the northern city of Neka, made the vessels over a 24 months period.

Each oil recovery ship has the capacity to displace 500 metric tons of spilt oil.

Their dimension is 44 meters length, 10 meters width and 3 meters height.

Iran has already launched oil recovery ships in the Gulf and Oman Sea, but it is the first time that the country uses this type of vessels in Caspian Sea.

The Caspian Sea, surrounded by Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Russia and Iran ,has long suffered pollution from oil extraction and other industries.

Russians are the greatest polluters. They reportedly create 80 percent of the Caspian pollution.

In July 2013, the then deputy head of Iran ’s Environmental Protection Organization, Abdolrza Karbasi said that the Caspian Sea is mainly polluted with oil, industrial and household waste, as well as sewage.

“ Iran ’s share in pollution of the sea is equal to 12 percent," he added.
The littoral states have held five meetings on the Protection of Marine Environment, the latest one in May 2014.

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