Holy Pig: Taiwan parade draws crowds and cruelty claims

  03 February 2017    Read: 2539
Holy Pig: Taiwan parade draws crowds and cruelty claims
Big crowds turned out for the annual Lunar New Year contest and parade, despite accusations of cruelty.
Sanxia, a traditional district in New Taipei city in northern Taiwan, held its annual Lunar New Year Holy Pig contest and parade on Thursday. The pigs are fattened massively over the year, and the biggest one is picked as a "winner".

Along with other unfortunate contestants, the winner is then slaughtered in a sacrificial ceremony organised by the local Taoist temple. This year`s winner weighed in at 844kg (1,861lb).

After its hair is removed, the carcass is stretched across a metal frame and decorated.

The festival happens each year - this image is from 2013. Animal rights activists say the process of fattening the pigs so much is cruel, limiting their movements and putting strain on their internal organs.

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