Azerbaijan offers Turkey to establish JVs in third countries - PHOTOS

  07 February 2015    Read: 1188
Azerbaijan offers Turkey to establish JVs in third countries - PHOTOS
Azerbaijan and Turkey can establish joint ventures in the third countries, Azerbaijani Minister of Economy and Industry Shahin Mustafayev said at a meeting with his Turkish counterpart Nihad Zeybekchi in Baku Feb. 5.
Mustafayev proposed to develop bilateral and transit cargo transportation between the two countries, to attract Turkish investors in local industrial parks, as well as to exchange the experience in the creation of mechanisms for the promotion of exports and industrial parks.

Moreover, the minister has proposed to expand cooperation in the field of agriculture, textile, food, tourism and banking.

Mustafayev also proposed to hold the tripartite meetings of economy ministers and business forums in the Azerbaijan-Turkey-Georgia and Azerbaijan-Turkey-Iran, as well as the Azerbaijan-Turkey-Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan-Turkey-Kazakhstan formats for the next two months.

Zeybekchi expressed his satisfaction with the rapid development of Azerbaijan and stressed the need for further expansion of cooperation between the two countries.

He said that Azerbaijan and Turkey have great opportunities for development of economic cooperation, including trade relations.

At the meeting a decision was made to continue supporting the activity of business associations, including the Association of Azerbaijani Businessmen in Turkey.

The sides also discussed the implementation of the projects of the Petkim petrochemical complex, STAR refinery, Southern Gas Corridor and the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway and other issues.

At present, more than 2,600 Turkish companies operate in Azerbaijan, but nearly 1,600 Azerbaijani companies in Turkey.

In total, Azerbaijan invested $5 billion to Turkey, but Turkish investments in Azerbaijan`s economy amounted to $6.3 billion.


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