March Held in Memory of Khojaly Genocide Victims- PHOTOS

  26 February 2015    Read: 1714
March Held in Memory of Khojaly Genocide Victims- PHOTOS
March held dedicated to the 23rd anniversary of the Khojaly genocide on the night of February 25 to 26 in Baku. Organizational support of the event belongs to the Youth Foundation under the President of Azerbaijan.

The march started at 4.30 am ( innocent civilians of Khojaly were brutally killed at the very time), in front of the monument "Mother`s Scream".

`4 thousand people attended at the march` - he added.

Armenian millitary forces commited genocides in the town of Khojaly with the population of 7 thousand people on februrary 26 1992. There were 3 thousand people in the town at the time of Armenian millitary forces` attack. As most part of the population had to leave town during 4 months blockade. 613 people were killed, 1000 peaceful people of different age became invalid during Khojaly genocide. 106 women, 63 children, 70 old men were killed. 8 families were completely annihilated, 130 children lost one parents, while 25 both of them. 1275 peace residents were taken hostages, the fate of 150 of them is still unknown


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