
  26 February 2015    Read: 1500
akistani Preston University has hosted a seminar entitled “Khojaly massacre - crime against humanity” on the 23rd anniversary of the Khojaly tragedy.

The event brought together Pakistan’s well-known political figures, heads of leading universities, Ambassadors of Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Yemen, Turkmenistan and other countries, diplomats and representatives of mass media.

A seminar featured a documentary shot by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation depicting the horrors of Khojaly.

Rector of Preston University, Professor Abdul Basit highlighted Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, noting that Azerbaijan’s Nagorno- Karabakh region and 7 adjacent districts have been occupied by Armenians. He noted that as a result of occupation 1 million people became refugees and displaced persons, 20 thousand people have been killed during the war. Professor added that Khojaly genocide committed on the night of 26 February 1992 by Armenian armed forces against the civilians is the bloodiest and most tragic page of this conflict.

Dean of the Faculty of International Relations of the International Islamic University Manzur Afridi, dean of the faculty of international relations of Preston University professor Soheyl Mahmud and professor of the Modern Languages University Attic Ur Rehman spoke about the atrocities committed by the Armenian militants against civilians of Khojaly. They underlined that the tragedy has been widely covered by foreign media, citing from the French, Russian, English and Turkish press. They as well stressed the significance of genocide perpetrators bringing to justice. The seminar heard the idea of establishing a memorial dedicated to the memory of the Khojaly genocide victims in Pakistan.

The Azerbaijani Ambassador to Pakistan Dashgin Shikarov gave detailed information about the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and Khojaly genocide.

The Ambassador expressed gratitude to the Senate of Pakistan and Pakistani people for supporting Azerbaijan`s fair position on Nagorno Karabakh conflict, for Senate’s adoption of resolution on February 1, 2012 to condemn the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan and the Khojaly genocide, as well as the resolution adopted on May 10, 2013 supporting Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity once more.

After the official part of the seminar Mr. Shikarov in his interview to TRT, Such, GEO and Dawn TV channels highlighted the Khojaly genocide, underlining that the crime was committed not only against the Azerbaijani people, but against the humanity. He noted that all states and international organizations should give proper legal assessment to Khojaly genocide to avoid similar incidents.

A photo-exhibition reflecting the horrors of Khojaly genocide has also been featured.

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