Similar texting habits could boost relationship satisfaction

  31 December 2017    Read: 1835
Similar texting habits could boost relationship satisfaction
Texting is ubiquitous in modern day dating culture.
While relationships were once born out of thoughtful love letters and red, red roses, today romance blossoms via witty observations and phallic emojis, reports citing the Independent.

However, the art of written communication is not to be dismissed, as a new study suggests that couples with similar texting habits might be more satisfied in their relationship as a result.

Psychologists at Pace University, New York, surveyed 205 Americans between the ages of 18 and 29, all of whom were in relationships.

Each participant was asked about different aspects of their texting behaviour, from frequency of initiation to the nature of their conversations i.e. whether they text just to say hello, to show affection or to raise an issue.

Respondents also took standard surveys which measured their attachment styles and levels of contentment in their relationships.

The researchers concluded that perceived similarities in texting habits correlated strongly with overall relationship satisfaction.

“Findings highlight the importance of perceived similarity between romantic partners regarding texting behaviours for their level of satisfaction, even when taking into account the robust predictors of attachment anxiety and avoidance,” the study, which was published in the journal Computers in Human Behaviour, states.

However, due to the majority of participants being female (74 per cent), the researchers added that their findings may not apply to men and could instead suggest that women place particular importance on texting compatibility.

They also suggested that the results could benefit couples in counselling.

“Clinicians might be able to work with individuals in relationships or romantic couples about their expectations for and actual text messaging behaviours in order to promote relationship satisfaction and functioning,” the study states.

However, the psychologists added that further research is necessary in order to fully examine the role of texting compatibility in both romantic and non-romantic relationships.

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