Ukraine ready to terminate Treaty of Friendship with Russia

  29 August 2018    Read: 1486
Ukraine ready to terminate Treaty of Friendship with Russia

The head of state has noted that Russia's status of the aggressor state is enshrined in Ukrainian legislation.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prepare the necessary package of documents for the termination of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership with Russia.

"At last, being sufficiently prepared and legally protected, we have approached the termination of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, which has already become an anachronism, and it's Moscow's fault. In the near future I expect to see the necessary package of documents from the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine," Poroshenko tweeted Tuesday.

The head of state has also noted that Russia's status of the aggressor state is enshrined in Ukrainian legislation, and recalled the need to create a coordinating body for the formation of Ukraine's consolidated damage recovery claim to Russia. 

The Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Russia and Ukraine, dubbed the "Great Treaty," was signed by the presidents of the two countries on May 31, 1997. The two states officially recognized each other's borders and consolidated the principles of strategic partnership and respect for territorial integrity. After the annexation of Crimea and the beginning of Russian aggression in Donbas, calls were repeatedly made to terminate the Treaty because of Russia's violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity.

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