China against North Korea

  05 March 2013    Read: 932
China against North Korea
China Said to Back New Sanctions Against North Korea
China has agreed to support a new round of United Nations sanctions against North Korea to punish it for the nuclear test it conducted in February, diplomats said late Monday.
The Chinese, North Korea’s main ally, have reached agreement with the United States on the wording of a sanctions resolution, diplomats told The Associated Press, although no details were available on the proposed measures. The United Nations Security Council plans to hold a meeting on the issue on Tuesday.
The support of China, with its Security Council veto power and economic ties to North Korea, is considered vital in terms of building international support for actions against North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. China provides all of North Korea’s fuel and remains its biggest trading partner, but analysts believe that its influence on Pyongyang is nevertheless limited.
The sanctions, if approved, would be the latest U.N. action in response to North Korea’s weapons development. After the U.N. approved a round of sanctions in January in response to a North Korean rocket launch the month before, an increasingly belligerent Pyongyang threatened both the United States and South Korea militarily, and just weeks later detonated its third nuclear device.
Previous rounds of sanctions have tried to curtail North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile ambitions by blacklisting trading and financial firms believed to be involved with such programs. The sanctions have also restricted the importation of luxury goods, an effort directed at the country’s ruling elite.

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