Newborn baby found being `eaten alive` by ants

  03 June 2015    Read: 1924
Newborn baby found being `eaten alive` by ants
An abandoned newborn baby has been discovered being `eaten alive` by ants after being left in woodland.

Police said the tot, estimated to be around three-days-old, was found by a man who heard her crying while taking a shortcut to work.

She was lying on a pile of leaves and covered in ants, officers said.

The badly bitten child was found on the outskirts of Chelyabinsk, a city in Russia.

According to police , if she had not been found when she was, she most likely would not have survived much longer.

BabyBadly bitten: The baby was discovered lying on a pile of leaves and covered in ants
The passer-by called an ambulance and the baby - who still had her umbilical cord attached - was taken to hospital. She is now expected to make a full recovery.

Officers are now trying to trace the tot`s parents.

A police spokesman said: "The person that found the baby girl heard her crying, and on investigating discovered the child lying on a pile of leaves and covered in ants."

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