The event will be hosted by the Special Representation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Shusha, Ministries of Economy and Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, ADA University, and the Institute of Economics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.
Reports on the topics “Building up of new economy and development of cultural sector in Karabakh”, “Formation of creative economy in Shusha” will be submitted to the conference.
Participants selected by the Organizing Committee based on submitted reports will be invited.
Reports of 15,000 to 20,000 characters must be submitted in electronic format in Azerbaijani, Turkish, Russian or English languages.
First name, patronym, and surname of the author (authors) must be fully disclosed. The scientific degree of the author (authors), scientific name, the name of the entity where he/she works or studies, e-mail address, contact number must be indicated. A summary of maximum 1,000 characters must be included.
The following structure of the report is recommended analysis and evaluation, conclusion and references.
Reports must be submitted by August 18, 2022 to the Executive Secretary of the Organizing Committee, Doctor of Economics, R. Sabir ([email protected]).
More about: Shusha