Azerbaijan puts 18 Armenians who committed Baganis-Ayrim massacre on int'l wanted list

  24 March 2023    Read: 1401
 Azerbaijan puts 18 Armenians who committed Baganis-Ayrim massacre on int

A total of 18 criminals, whose involvement in the massacre in Baganis Ayrim village of Azerbaijan’s Gazakh district was proven, were put on the international wanted list, senior assistant to the military prosecutor, Spokesperson of the Military Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan Firad Aliyev told reporters, reports.

"According to the episode concerning the genocide in Baghanis-Ayrim, 18 people were put on the international wanted list. A criminal case has been opened against them under articles 103 (genocide) and 107 (deportation and forced resettlement of the population) of the Criminal Code. At present, complex investigative and operational measures are continuing," Aliyev said.

To recap, March 24 marks the 33rd anniversary of the tragedy in the village of Baghanis-Ayrim of the Gazakh district. On the night of March 23-24, 1990, Armenians invaded the village of Baghanis-Ayrim with armoured vehicles and tanks. During this tragedy, 10 people were tortured and killed, 12 houses were looted and burned, and 438 residents were expelled from the village.

Firad Aliyev recalled that a joint investigative and operational group was created by a single order of the Azerbaijani prosecutor-general, and interior and national security ministers on December 18, 2003.

The group was set up to investigate crimes against peace and humanity, as well as military, terrorist and other criminal acts committed against the Azerbaijani people, to give them a legal assessment, to identify and bring to criminal responsibility persons involved in the organisation and commission of these crimes, as well as to investigate the facts of gross violation of international law.

On May 5, 2005, Deputy Prosecutor-General, Military Prosecutor, Justice Lt-Gen Khanlar Valiyev was entrusted with the management of the investigation. After the criminal case was accepted for production in the military prosecutor's office, a new investigative and operational plan was drawn up. The preliminary investigation, unlike in previous years, was conducted in accordance with this unified investigative and operational plan, international treaties and legal norms, the requirements of the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Azerbaijan, he said.

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