Panel on Museums of Turkic World held in Hungary

  02 May 2023    Read: 1968
Panel on Museums of Turkic World held in Hungary

A panel on Museums of the Turkic World entitled "The Famous Hungarian Ethnographer Diószegi Vilmos on the 100th Anniversary of his Birthday" was organized under the coordination of the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY), the Hungarian Representative Office of the Organization of Turkic States, the Budapest Ethnographic Museum and the Union of Museums of TURKSOY.

The opening speeches of the opening ceremony of the panel, which was held in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, attracted great interest among ambassadors of Turkic states residing in Budapest as well as among museum experts were delivered by Dr. Lajos Kemecsi, Director of the Ethnographic Museum, Dr. János Hóvári, Executive Director of the CIS Representative Office in Hungary and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shirin Melikova, Director of the Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum, Chairperson of the Museums' Union of TURKSOY.

Melikova emphasized the importance of these traditional meetings in order to expand relationships between the museums of Turkic states. She spoke about historical cultural ties between Hungary and Turkic world developing today in the course of time. Later, the meeting continued with panel sessions. At the first session, Shirin Melikova made a detailed report “Museum and Visitor: Horizons of Cooperation”. The report covered a number of essential aspects such as the Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum’s principles of work with visitors, meeting the modern requirements, many cultural and educational projects aimed to arouse visitors’ interest to the ancient national heritage. The report was welcomed with great interest, during the discussion Melikova answered participants’ questions.

Representatives from Türkiye, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and other countries also made interesting reports in museum field and ethnographic researches.

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