Straightening cynicism - OPINION

  14 September 2015    Read: 1606
Straightening cynicism - OPINION
by Sahib Mammadov

The resolution on Azerbaijan adopted by the European Parliament at its plenary session held on September 10, 2015 is completely absurd and the highest level of cynicism.

What is the main purpose of resolution’s authors considering the tragic death of a journalist, as a pressure on freedom of speech? Especially if it is not related with his professional activities! What does reflecting of a white lie in such a serious institution’s resolution mean? Which country can approach seriously to such an organization’s resolution?

Actually, I would like to comment just on the J paragraph of the resolution.

While voting for the statement regarding suspension of the OSCE Program Coordination contribution, did parliamentarians aware of the fact that there is not any OSCE office, its mission and control-surveillance group and any appropriate structure in 27 member states of the European Parliament, as well as in candidate countries? Why?

Maybe none of these countries have problems that exist in the OSCE region? For example migrant crisis, religious intolerance and xenophobia towards Romans, etc.

Did EU parliamentarians pay attention to the fact that only 12 out of 57 OSCE member countries have above-mentioned institutions?

Did EU parliamentarians have adopted any resolution on suspension of the operation of OSCE office, mission and program coordination in those 11 OSCE member countries?

For example, since 2008 OSCE office resumed its operation in Georgia (regardless of the reason). Why EU parliamentarians don’t worry about it?

Azerbaijan have demonstrated its commitment to the memorandum of understanding signed with OSCE and OSCE Program Coordinating has successfully operated.

Azerbaijan’s position toward an ambassador standing on anti-Azerbaijan was as tough as any other country that respects itself. Even softer.

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