UN Human Rights Council discusses Azerbaijan's report

  15 November 2023    Read: 1753
 UN Human Rights Council discusses Azerbaijan

The 4th periodic report of Azerbaijan was reviewed within the framework of the 44th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry told reporters.

Azerbaijan was represented by a delegation headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Samir Sharifov.

During the UPR examination, which is held once in 5 years, the state of fulfillment of international obligations by a UN member state in the field of human rights protection is assessed and recommendations are given to the state, whose report is presented to other states, in relevant areas.

Samir Sharifov, speaking within the framework of the periodic report, spoke about the work carried out in Azerbaijan, cooperation within the framework of international human rights mechanisms, provided detailed information on the "Great Return" state program, the problem of refugees and IDPs resulting from Armenian aggression, facts of violation of Azerbaijanis' rights, the problem of missing persons, etc.

Within the framework of the UPR survey on Azerbaijan, about 120 representatives of UN member states made speeches and presented their recommendations on the state of human rights in Azerbaijan.

The overwhelming majority of the member countries highly appreciated the human rights reforms carried out in Azerbaijan and recommended continuing the positive dynamics in this field.

The majority of speakers highly appreciated the use of information technologies for the protection of civil, economic and cultural rights, ensuring sustainable economic and social development, further improving the living standards of the population, as well as providing public services in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan's important role in promoting the model of multiculturalism, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, as well as its active chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement was emphasized.

Voluntary, safe and dignified return of IDPs to Azerbaijani territories liberated from Armenian occupation, as well as large-scale reconstruction and rehabilitation work carried out in these territories, restoration of destroyed settlements in accordance with the concepts of "Smart City" and "Smart Village" were highly appreciated.

The speeches also paid attention to the work carried out by Azerbaijan on demining and elimination of environmental damage in its territories liberated from Armenian occupation.

In addition, the steps taken by Azerbaijan in the field of science and education, as well as ensuring the rights of women and children, were highly appreciated.

Azerbaijan's national report as well as other relevant documents are available here.

In total, along with Azerbaijan, reports of 14 countries are scheduled to be considered this year on November 6-17.

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