presents the statement:
“We, the undersigned civil society organizations (CSOs) express deep concerns regarding the serious environmental damage caused by the works carried out in the mining industry of the Republic of Armenia that violating international environmental norms and standards.
Air and water pollution in Armenia’s mining industry once regarded as a localized issue, has metastasized into a menacing force with far-reaching consequences not only for the South Caucasus but for the whole world. By polluting transboundary rivers Armenia’s mining industry is suspected of causing a range of environmental problems in a wider geography stretching from Eastern Europe to Central Asia.
The UN recognizes a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment as a fundamental human right. As the global community rallies around the UN SDGs and intensifies efforts to address environmental challenges, Armenia's actions are in contrast with these endeavors, as well as Transboundary Rivers Convention and the UN Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention).
Considering the upcoming COP29 will be held in the South Caucasus, in Azerbaijan, Armenia should further protect the environment, thus to fulfill its own obligations stemming from international conventions.
As a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the primary international treaty addressing climate change, to the Kyoto Protocol, the international agreement linked to the UNFCCC that sets binding emission reduction targets for developed countries, the Paris Agreement, an international treaty under the UNFCCC that aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels Armenia took commitments to addressing climate change on a global scale and follow the rules and regulations in protecting the planet.
We urge the Armenian government and the private companies operating in Armenia's mining industry to open the doors of all facilities to international experts specialized in the field of ecology and health, including to specialized NGOs from neighboring countries to allow them to inspect the facilities, evaluate and conduct monitoring, taking appropriate samples, and measuring.
We share the deep concerns of civil society organizations of Armenia and Azerbaijan recently addressed to Armenian government and the companies involved to cease the mining actions in Amulsar gold mine which poses significant toxic and radioactive pollution risks for the ecosystem.
1. Maryam Danesh, Washington and Lee University, USA
2. Guy Alexander Eames, Planet 2030, UK
3. Saurabh Kumar, YOUNGO, İndia
4. Patsi Stillo, Partners in Health, USA
5. Sergey Uchayev, RNGO “Ishonch va Hayot”, Uzbekistan
6. Matt Garnett, Michigan University, USA
7. Ahmad Hudu Abdullahi, Afrihealth Optonet Association, Nigeria
8. Gleb Evgenev, MADI, Russia
9. Konadu Jone, Altar Relief Foundation, Kenya
10. Erna Jašarević, NGO Bridges of friendship, Bosnia and Herzegovina
11. Manoj Prabhu, Dure Technologies, Switzerland
12. Emeri Eliud, TUBAE International, Kenya
13. José María Di Bello, Fundación GEP, Argentina
14. Kristina Zhorayeva, AFEW Kazakstan, Kazakstan
15. Erlina Burhan, Indonesia Society of Respirologi, İndonesia
16. Carm Citro, Partners in Health, USA
17. Prof.Dr.Zeki Kilichaslan, “İstanbul Verem savas dernegi”, Turkey
18. Peter Owiti, “Wote” Youth Development Projects CBO, Kenya
19. Kristine Yakhama, Good Health Community Programmes, Kenya
20. John Akinnuba, Centre for Ecological and Community Development, Nigeria
21. Naomie Nguemadjibaye dabot, ong green accademy of climate chad, Chad
22. Ermin Jašarević, NGO Bridges of Friendship, Bosnia and Herzegovina
23. Samuel Iro Timoro, Tunetad Association, Kenya
24. Gabriel Ekalale, Asegis Community Network, Kenya
25. Nishant Chavan, Independent Public Health Consultant, India
26. Filiz Duyar Ağca, Türk Toraks Derneği, TB Working Group, Turkey
27. Ali Iklaga, Natural Eco Capital, Nigeria
28. Olorun Femi, Natural Eco Capital, Nigeria
29. Alfred Edapal, Lomeds NGO, Kenya
30. Ezekeil Odeoh, Agro Environmental Farmers Association-AGEFA, Kenya
31. Rebecca Abulon, Asegis Community Network, Kenya
32. Stephen Anguva Shikoli, Network of TB Champions Kenya
33. Lemaya Lumbasi, A4Ek, Kenya
34. Fernando Sanches, Brazilian Nursing Network for the Brazil Free of Tuberculosis, Brazil
35. Norman Kagiso Matiting, Tbpeople Global, Botswana
36. Festus Ngisipaan, Kakuma healthsafety Association, Kenya
37. Shemsettin Kuzeci, Kerkuk Culture Union, Turkmanali- Irak
38. Ere Gabriel Erukudi, LPF NGO, Kenya
39. Lochuch Yatu, Todanyatu Community-based organisation, Kenya
40. Joseph Ngaukon Achuka, Ayok Multi-Development organization (AMDO), Kenya
41. Endalkachew Fekadu, VHS, Ethiopia
42. Prof.Dr.Ejaz Khan, Health Services Academy, Pakistan
43. Karani Frankline, Loyifam NGO, Kenya
44. Mohmad Hosain Lone, International Human Rights Commission, Switzerland
45. Charles Quist, Carepal Foundation, Ghana
46. Shamsiya Kukanbekova, Stop TB Partnership, Tajikistan
47. Nicolai Russu, Youth vision NGO, Moldova
48. Collins Major Kinyuru - Pamoja TB group, Kenya
49. Joseph Kilonzo – BISC NGO, Kenya.”
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