US committed to Azerbaijan-Armenia peace agenda: State Department 

  14 February 2024    Read: 574
 US committed to Azerbaijan-Armenia peace agenda: State Department 

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller has said that the US is committed to peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has always emphasized.

Miller made the remarks at a regular briefing, commenting on the latest incident on the notional Armenian-Azerbaijani border, reports, citing the Department of State’s website.

He expressed concern over news of military clashes that have resulted in casualties.

" The use of force undermines negotiations. The only way to a sustainable peace is at the negotiating table. Any ceasefire violations should be investigated and properly addressed. As the Secretary continually emphasizes, the United States is committed to Armenia-Azerbaijan peace negotiations," Miller emphasized.

On February 12, the Armenian Armed Forces shelled the positions of the troops of the State Border Service (SBS) of Azerbaijan in the direction of the village of Kollugishlak in Zangilan district, as a result of which serviceman Parviz Aghakishi oglu Khalilzade was wounded.

On the same day, at 20:50 and 23:40, units of the armed forces of Armenia fired small arms at the positions of the Azerbaijani Army in the direction of Kokhanabi settlement of Tovuz region from the positions located in the direction of Chinarli settlement of Tovuzgala region.

Later, on February 13, the units of the State Border Service (SBS) of Azerbaijan conducted "Operation Revenge" in response to the provocation of the Armenian armed forces.

As a result of the operation, the Armenian Armed Forces' combat post near the Nerkin-Hand settlement of the Gafan region was completely destroyed, from where the Armenian Armed Forces fired at the positions of the Azerbaijani State Border Service troops on February 12, wounding an Azerbaijani serviceman.

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