Process of demarcation and delimitation of border enters the practical stage - Armenian PM

  19 March 2024    Read: 841
Process of demarcation and delimitation of border enters the practical stage - Armenian PM

The process of demarcation and delimitation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan has entered the practical stage, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced at a meeting with residents in the Tavush region, reports citing the Armenian media. 

"This means that the borders of the Republic of Armenia will be determined on the ground. We all know, you know better than me, where it begins and ends," Pashinyan said.

He pointed to the possibility of "starting the border demarcation process from the Baganis-Berkaber section, stressing that several issues on Askipara need to be discussed with the local population."

The Prime Minister recalled that Baku talks about problems in four villages, while the Armenian side refers to those affecting 31 settlements.

"According to Baku, we should mutually liberate the main areas of the settlements and then start talks on the vital areas of the villages and settlements. On the other hand, we insist that a village is not only its administrative part, but also the territories necessary for life, and we justify our position," Pashinyan said.

He added that the government aims to prevent a war, so it has been decided to demarcate these territories in detail.

"We are doing this not only in the interests of the Republic of Armenia but also to ensure the safety of villages like Voskepar and Kirants," he concluded.

More about: #Azerbaijan   #Armenia   #borderdemarcation   #NikolPashinyan  

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