Israeli air force strikes Hezbollah outpost in southern Lebanon

  01 April 2024    Read: 585
Israeli air force strikes Hezbollah outpost in southern Lebanon

Israeli Air Force fighters attacked a Hezbollah outpost in the Rashaya al-Fukhar area in southern Lebanon.

At least six missile strikes were carried out on militant positions, reports citing TASS. 

An air raid was also carried out on the outskirts of the village of Al-Khabbariya, the stronghold of the Al-Jamaa al-Islamiya group, which is an ally of Hezbollah and the Palestinian radical movement Hamas.

Israeli planes have been flying at low altitude in Lebanese airspace since the morning; they were spotted over the cities of Bint Jbeil and Al-Khiyam. At night, an Israeli drone attacked one of the houses in the Tell Nahhas area, where the headquarters of the local gendarmerie was located; there were no casualties.

On March 31, the Israeli Air Force carried out a total of 15 air raids, striking eight populated areas. According to Lebanese authorities, 12 houses were destroyed and 45 suffered material damage. Artillery shelled nine Lebanese villages.

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