Migration crisis: EU Interior Ministers meet to seek solutions - VIDEO

  22 September 2015    Read: 1534
Migration crisis: EU Interior Ministers meet to seek solutions - VIDEO
Can Europe finally come up with a response to its refugee crisis?
Ahead of an EU leaders’ migration summit on Wednesday, Interior Ministers from the bitterly-divided bloc were meeting on Tuesday in Brussels, under pressure to find consensus and compromise.

The question is how to relocate 120,000 asylum seekers but moves to impose mandatory quotas have been opposed, notably by a group of Central European countries.

As the wrangling continues, so does the relentless stream of people into the continent, with huge numbers fleeing conflict in the Middle East, uncertain how their quest for a new life will end.

Ahead of Tuesday’s meeting, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged Europe to ensure that refugees and migrants are treated properly by showing leadership and compassion.

Ban will hold a meeting on September 30 on the challenges of the increased movements of refugees and migrants while world leaders are gathered at the United Nations.

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