Joint Declaration of Fourth meeting of OTS health ministers adopted in Shusha

  08 October 2024    Read: 453
Joint Declaration of Fourth meeting of OTS health ministers adopted in Shusha

A Joint Declaration of the fourth meeting of health ministers of member and observer states of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), co-organized by the OTS and Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Health in Azerbaijan’s city of Shusha, was adopted in Shusha.

The document includes the approval of the Action Plan of the OTS Working Group on cooperation in the field of healthcare for 2024, as well as establishing the unified medical science landscape, conducting joint scientific research, and determining the unified standards in medical education.

It also highlights the importance of cross-border exchange of patient data by preparing the unified digitalization healthcare standards within the OTS in accordance with the legislations of the organization’s member and observer states.

Moreover, the declaration emphasizes the significance of the signing of the “Protocol of Intent on creating the Turktransplant Unified Information System” and the Memoranda of Understanding between the Ministries of Healthcare and scientific research institutions of the OTS member and observer states.

The participants also agreed to hold the 5th meeting of the OTS Health Ministers in Kazakhstan.

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