The other 92% of the money in the world only exists on computer hard drives. Electronic bank accounts hold most of the world`s currency.

#2 Your Map of the Continents Is Completely Wrong
The map you`ve always seen is western-centric and exaggerates the size of North America and Europe. Here`s what the continents really look like; South America and Africa are much larger than most maps show.

#3 Over 2,000 Species of Bacteria Live in Your Belly Button
Yup, it`s pretty gross.

#4 Squirrels Plants Millions of Trees a Year
This is because they often forget where they buried their nuts!

#5 There is an Immortal Species of Jellyfish
Scientists are now eagerly studying Turritopsis dohrnii, a species of jellyfish that can age to an adult and then go through a reverse-aging process reverting itself back to a baby. It can repeat this cycle indefinitely.

#6 There Are Massive Castles That Are CheaperThan Small New York Apartments
That`s right, there are gigantic castles in places like Normandy and Belgium that are in the $2-4 million dollar range, and that`s cheaper than many small apartments in Manhattan!

#7 Only 90% of the World`s Population is Literate
That`s right, one tenth of the world`s citizens can`t read; countries like Afghanistan and Bangladesh have some of the lowest literacy rates.

#8 Labor Day Was Created to Cover Up a Massacre
In May of 1886 Chicago police opened fire on a group of labor protestors who were fighting for an eight hour workday. Several were killed, those who fought back were imprisoned or hanged. This gave rise to the worker`s rights day of May Day. The U.S. Government had it changed to `Labor Day` to try and help people forget this piece of history . . .

#9 Vending Machines are 4 Times Deadlier Than Sharks
That`s right, for every shark fatality in America there are four vending machine accident fatalities. Really puts things in perspective, huh?

#10 There is a Michelin Star Restaurant That Serves dishes For $1.42
A tiny restaurant in Hong Kong called `Tim Ho Wan` is the cheapest Michelin-starred restaurant in the world, with dishes starting at less than $1.50.