New director general of Public Television elected in Azerbaijan
Four contenders have filed their documents to the position of the director general: Shamil Shafiev, Elshad Guliyev, Nijat Mustafayev and Rafiq Huseynov.
In accordance with Articles 20.1.3 and 21.1 of the law `On Public Television and Radio Broadcasting`, the documents of candidates for the post of the director general of ITV were presented to the Broadcasting Board of the company.
Earlier, the position of the Director General of ITV was held by Ismail Omarov.
Film director, screenwriter, actor Jamil Guliyev was born in Baku in 1963. He is the director of the Azerbaijan State Film Fund, CEO of TV channel "Culture", the executive secretary of the Union of Cinematographers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Guliyev was educated at the All-Union Institute of Cinematography with specialization as a film director. Since 1984, he has been working as a stage director at the Azerbaijanfilm studio.
He is the author of a number of feature films, documentaries, short films and stories for a satirical magazine "Mozalan". His films were presented at several international festivals.
Guliyev is an associate professor of the State Culture and Art University of Azerbaijan and an Honored Worker of Arts.