The biggest threat to peace and security in the region is military occupation of Armenia

  27 November 2014    Read: 1398
The biggest threat to peace and security in the region is military occupation of Armenia
"The Armenian regime lost its influence on the people of the country and perceived as frivolous partner in the world due to the failure of its foreign and domestic policy and is now trying to justify itself, using lies and slander in the face of Nalbandian".
The statement came from acting spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Hikmet Hajiyev, commenting on the speech of Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

According to Hajiyev, the biggest threat to peace and security in the region is military occupation and aggression of this country against Azerbaijan, as well as the militaristic policy of the Armenian dictatorship: “"Armenia which committed the military aggression and ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity, including Khojaly tragedy against another state, carrying out the terror at the state level, has no reason to talk about the peace and present itself as a civilized country. Armenia, in accordance with the UN Charter and the norms and principles of international law, is directly responsible for the occupation and aggression against Azerbaijan. Armenia makes false claims about the peaceful settlement of the conflict, but it has not taken any steps to withdraw its troops from the occupied Azerbaijani territories. On the contrary, in contrast to the obligations under the Conventional Forces in Europe and the Vienna Document, it is concentrating military equipment and personnel in the occupied territories. Military exercises, which were attended by 47,000 personnel and more than 3 mln pieces of military hardware, are another proof of this. Apparently, having no idea of such logical categories, as cause and effect, Nalbandian, mostly justifies himself. In accordance with these categories, due to the occupation of Azerbaijani territories by Armenia, there are snipers on the front line and military incidents still occur. Thus, if Armenia ends the occupation, there will be no need for snipers and military incidents will not occur."

Hajiyev stressed that Azerbaijan`s position in the negotiations has always been clear and resolute: “Unlike Armenia, Azerbaijan`s position is based on the UN Charter and the norms and principles of international law and the Helsinki Final Act. The essence of the negotiation process is to insure the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan on the basis of international law. Armenia is a party that simulates the negotiations, commitments and violates them, and views the negotiations as “gambling”, which corresponds more to the criminal circles. “

The Ministry’s spokesman noted that Azerbaijan has the right to self-defense in accordance with the UN Charter, that is to increase its military budget in accordance with the growing economic performance and the country`s GDP. “Military spending in a such poor country like Armenia, with 4.5 % of GDP, describes the level of militarization of the country. For Armenia, in which over 40% of the population lives in poverty and which is faced with a mass migration due to the socio-economic problems, it is a national tragedy. Speaking of bellicose rhetoric of Nalbandian, it is apparent that his president called Armenian youth to war with neighboring states, coupled with statements that he will occupy another 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory and uses ballistic missiles against civilian targets. “

According to the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Armenia`s military dictatorship, took part in the Khojaly genocide: “But, realizing their potential before the power of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, Armenia resorts to lies and slander. Arranged “theatre” with allegedly carrying out "special operation" demonstrated the helplessness of the Armenian regime and an unsuccessful attempt aimed at restoring the lost influence in its own society. Due to the deepening disaster Armenian regime should realize their responsibility for abandoning lies and self-deception and take real steps to resolve the conflict.“

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