Strange reason why some new mums can

  31 May 2016    Read: 1200
Strange reason why some new mums can
MUMS who post on Facebook all the time are more likely to seek validation and are also more likely to experience depression, according to experts.
A new study by Ohio State University found that mums who flood people`s feeds with pictures of their kids on the social networking site have a strong desire for affirmation of their parenting abilities from their friends online.

In a poll of 127 new mums, which consisted of mostly married, highly educated women with full-time jobs, many of them reported feeling bad if a photo they posted of their new baby didn’t get enough `likes` and comments.

Researchers noted there were two types of mums - those who feel pressure to be perfect mums and those who identify very strongly with their motherhood role post more.

Lead author of the study, professor Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan, said the results show mums who share a baffling number of baby pics reported more depressive symptoms after nine months of parenthood.

She added: "A lot of mums may feel pressured to portray this very positive image of motherhood, and if on the inside you`re not feeling that good, I think that could be detrimental.

"If a mother is posting on Facebook to get affirmation that she’s doing a good job and doesn’t get all the ‘likes’ and positive comments she expects, that could be a problem. She may end up feeling worse.”

Researchers also discovered women who uploaded their child’s photo as their profile picture were found to identify more strongly with their role as a mother than those who didn`t.

“What these mothers are saying is that my child is central to my identity, at least right now. That’s really telling,” she said.

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