Armed group in Yerevan warns about dangerous escalation

  25 July 2016    Read: 1810
Armed group in Yerevan warns about dangerous escalation
An armed group that seized police regiment in Yerevan has been deprived of electricity, food and medical assistance for over 24 hours.
Their phones were switched off starting from last night, member of the Founding Parliament initiative Alek Yenigomsyan said.

At the moment, the actions of authorities are leading to escalation and are not contributing to successful talks. In addition, an attempt was made to approach the territory and destroy the wall, a military helicopter was seen in the sky above the police regiment in the morning.

“Any attempts to exert pressure lead to the way of dangerous escalation,” he said, expressing hope for reasonable approach of the authorities.

Albert Baghdasaryan read the statement on behalf of the initiative group of the coordination council. The statement says that President Sargsyan personally will be responsible for possible bloodshed and urges to supply the group with food, water and medicine as well as medical assistance. They urged the people of Armenia to gather on Khorenatsi Street to determine the future actions.

The statement also contains a call to Armenia-based foreign diplomats, international agencies, ICRC to take over a role of mediators to find peaceful solution to the situation.

“We will start the process of disobedience, armed conflict will move into the civil and political fields. Yerevan will encounter numerous hotbeds of resistance,” the statement reads.

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