Azerbaijan`s Independence Day marked in Australia

The event organized by Australian-Azerbaijani-Turkish Friendship Unity on 26 May brought together representatives of local Azerbaijani and Turkish diasporas as well as students studying in Australia to celebrate the Independence Day of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic founded on 28 May, 1918.
The participants were provided with background information about the history and achievements of the internationally recognized republic that was invaded by the Russian XI Red Army to form the Soviet Union (USSR) in April 1920.
It was noted at the event that among the significant accomplishments of the republic was the extension of suffrage to women, making Azerbaijan one of the first nations in the world to grant women equal political rights with men. In this accomplishment, Azerbaijan also preceded the United Kingdom(1918-28), the United States (1920) and France(1944). Another important accomplishment of ADR was the establishment of Baku State University, which was the first modern-type university founded in Azerbaijan, reports.
AATF President Imametdin Kassoumov also informed the participants about the activities and challenges of the local diaspora.
Dr. Shami Nejadi, senior lecturer at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Technology Sydney, read his Azeri poems to the participants.
National music and dishes of national cuisine were presented to the guests.