Here’s what is really behind the tiredness

  06 February 2017    Read: 1465
Here’s what is really behind the tiredness
IF you find yourself constantly feeling tired, there may be a simple explanation you’re overlooking – and it’s got nothing to do with your age.
With women particularly prone to unexplained exhaustion, many Brits are struggling to recharge, letting their lethargy get it the way of everyday life.

Speaking to the Mirror, TV’s Dr Hilary Jones and nutrition scientist Dr Emma Derbyshire revealed the reason you could be finding yourself dozing off at work.

The reason for this could be down to iron deficiency, which is one of the most common causes of unexplained tiredness.

Iron is important because it helps your red blood cells carry oxygen around the body – and without enough oxygen, your organs and tissue just can’t work effectively.

Dr Hilary said: “One of the most common things I see in my surgery is people feeling worn out.

“If we can’t figure out what’s making them tired from their lifestyle, we’ll do a blood test and check their iron levels.”

Other symptoms of iron deficiency include palpitations, feeling dizzy, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet, and headaches – and some people are more at risk than others.

Menstruating women are more likely to be lacking in iron due to blood loss, as well as particularly active and sporty women.

The fact that the easiest to digest iron can be found in meat means vegetarians are also vulnerable, as well as sufferers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which prevents the digestion of some nutrients.

/The Sun/

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