India`s air pollution is now as deadly as China`s

But whereas China has been working to prevent such deaths, causing its number to level out, the number of deaths linked to airborne particles known as PM2.5s jumped 50% in India from 1990 to 2015, per AFP.
Rapid industrialization with a focus on coal production, population growth, and an aging public more vulnerable to pollution have created "the perfect storm for India," says a researcher.
Yet a rep for the Public Health Foundation of India says the government isn`t taking action. Last week, a government official there said "there is no conclusive data available" linking pollution and mortality, per Reuters.
The study does offer hope, though: It finds the 20% increase in deaths from air pollution worldwide since 1990 was slower than the rate of population increase.
Pollution also improved in Europe and the US with environmental regulations. That said, 258,000 Europeans and 88,000 Americans are still at risk of premature death due to air pollution, the study says.