Georgia begins negotiations on visa-free communication with several countries

  03 February 2015    Read: 1083
Georgia begins negotiations on visa-free communication with several countries
The government of Georgia begins negotiations with several countries, visa-free communication with which ceased since September 1, 2014.
The government has issued several decrees, including the ones on holding talks by an exchange of notes, with a view to achieving agreements on exemption of holders of ordinary passports from the mandatory visa between the governments of Georgia and Suriname. The talks will also be held with Paraguay, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago.

In addition, the Georgian government begins negotiations with Iraq in connection with the exemption of holders of diplomatic, private and official passports from the mandatory visa.

Earlier, the government of Georgia decided to hold talks on visa-free communication with Chile and Guatemala.

Prior to September 1, 2014, citizens of some countries did not need a visa to enter Georgia and stay in the country for 360 days. But since September 1, the new law came in power, according to which the period of stay without a visa in the country decreased up to 90 days.

It became possible to get a Georgian visa only in the consular offices, and not at the border. A visa free regime was canceled with the 24 countries at the same time.

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