ADIF pays over AZN 733M in compensation to eleven closed banks’ customers

  17 May 2017    Read: 1755
ADIF pays over AZN 733M in compensation to eleven closed banks’ customers
On April 28 Azerbaijan Deposit Insurance Fund (ADIF) paid AZN 43,218,000 to Parabank’s depositors, AZN 58,227,000 to Zaminbank’s depositors, AZN 27,771,000 to Kredobank’s depositors and AZN 3,087,000 to Dekabank’s depositors.
The Fund totally paid over AZN 132,303,000 to 4 banks’ customers.

As of May 16, the Fund paid AZN 14,320,000 to Atrabank’s depositors, AZN 1,974,000 to Caucasus Development Bank’s depositors. Total compensations for two banks amounted to over AZN 16,294,000.

ADIF has also paid over AZN 437,345,000 in compensation to Bank Standard’s insured depositors.

On April 28, the Fund paid AZN 1,690,000 in compensation to United Credit Bank’s depositors.

Payment of compensations to Bank of Azerbaijan’s insured depositors Agent banks ended on January 27, 2017 and ADIF totally paid AZN 24,161,000 in compensation to those depositors. Moreover, payment of compensation to Ganjabank’s customers ended on February 4, 2017 and ADIF paid AZN 976,440 to those depositors. Payment of compensations to Texnikabank’s customers ended on February 12, 2017 and AZN 120,433,000 was paid in compensation to these depositors.

Totally, ADIF has paid over AZN 733,202,000 in compensation to 11 closed banks’ customers.

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