No exact date of BTK railway’s commissioning defined

  08 June 2017    Read: 1145
No exact date of BTK railway’s commissioning defined
The exact date of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) railway’s commissioning has not yet been defined, a source in the Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications told Trend June 8.
The exact date of the railway’s commissioning is being negotiated, the source noted.

The source didn’t exclude the possibility of participation of Azerbaijani, Georgian and Turkish presidents in the railway’s opening ceremony.

Earlier, Ahmet Arslan, Turkey’s minister of transport, maritime affairs and communications, said that the BTK railway will be ready by late June 2017.

The BTK railway is being constructed on the basis of the Georgian-Azerbaijani-Turkish intergovernmental agreement. The peak capacity of the railway will be 17 million tons of cargo per year. At the initial stage, this figure will be one million passengers and 6.5 million tons of cargo.

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