However, Bolshevik Russia wanted the rich oil land of Azerbaijan to itself. And so, in 1920, the Bolshevik Army marched into Baku. The fledgling country, weak to defend itself, fell into the hands of communism till it started to dissent to the Communist oppressor. Demonstrations in opposition to Communism broke out in Baku in 1989.
One million Azerbaijanis expressed their dismay and opposition to the Communist conqueror. But USSR did not let go so easily and in 1990 26,000 Soviet soldiers entered Baku to disperse the demonstrators, killing and harming civilians in the process. But the Azerbaijani spirit of “Down with Russian dictatorship!” did not die, and in 1991, one and a half years later, on October 18th, Azerbaijan gained its second independence and held to it tight.

Baku-freedom-square-protesting crowd in 1989
Today, October 18, 2018, invited guests witnessed the mayor and city council of City of Torrance, California, recognize and honor Azerbaijan’s Independence Day.

L-Mr. Patrick J. Furey, Torrance mayor and Mr. Nasimi Aghayev, Azerbaijan Consul General with Proclamation
Torrance mayor, Mr. Patrick J. Furey, claiming the city has numerous spoken languages but its residents are united under the banner of tolerance, freedom and democracy. He bestowed upon Mr. Nasimi Aghayev, Consul General of Azerbaijan, representing the Republic of Azerbaijan, a Proclamation that reads:

Torrance City Proclamation to Azerbaijan
WHEREAS, on October 18, 1991 the people of Azerbaijan restored their country’s freedom and independence establishing the Republic of Azerbaijan and declaring it the successor to the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918-1920), which was the first secular parliamentary democracy in the Muslim world, granting voting rights to women in 1919 for the first time among Muslim nations; and
WHEREAS, over the last 26 years, the Republic of Azerbaijan has consolidated its freedom, sovereignty and independence, and has become a staunch and strategic ally and the largest trade partner of the United States of America in the critically important South Caucasus region; and
WHEREAS, the Republic of Azerbaijan is internationally regarded as a successful model for peaceful and harmonious coexistence of Muslims, Christians and Jews; and
WHEREAS, every year, millions of Azerbaijanis around the globe, including tens of thousands in the U.S. and many in the City of Torrance, observe October 18 as Azerbaijan Independence Day and remember the contributions of their forefathers to the spread of democracy in the regions of Caucasus, Central Asia and Middle East, as well as celebrate the remarkable achievements made by the Republic of Azerbaijan as a free and independent nation.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, PATRICK J. FUREY, as Mayor of the City of Torrance, California, do hereby proclaim October 18, 2017 as
in the City of Torrance and encourage the entire community to join in this celebration.
Signed this 18th day of October 2017.
Mayor Patrick J. Furey
Rebecca Poirier, City Clerk

The Colors
Azerbaijan is a member of the free world community, an ally of the United States and NATO forces supporter. I, a citizen of the USA, wish Azerbaijan Happy re-Birthday Day!
During the 2006 second Lebanon War, Nurit Greenger, referenced then as the “Accidental Reporter” felt compelled to become an activist. Being an ‘out-of-the-box thinker, Nurit is a passionately committed advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States, and the Free World in general. From Southern California, Nurit serves as a “one-woman Hasbarah army” for Israel who believes that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.
The original article was published in
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