“Qarabag” FK is a carrier of information missile of Azerbaijan

  25 November 2017    Read: 2127
“Qarabag” FK is a carrier of information missile of Azerbaijan
by Elkhan Suleymanov

Worldwide football officials can never allow the success of “Qarabag” football club of Azerbaijan in UEFA Champions League. Thus, for over 25 years, all international organizations, the international community, and power centers strive for creating a wrong opinion on the international community, describing the occupation of Azerbaijani territories as a disputed territory with the formulation of “conflict”. Injustice I faced during my activity within international organizations allows me to make such a conclusion. Therefore, I would like to briefly inform highly professional Qarabağ FK players, trainers, as well as readers about some issues I faced in international organizations.
On June 24, 2014, I submitted a motion on the “Escalation of tension in Nagorno Karabakh and other occupied territories of Azerbaijan” together with a group of PACE members to PACE Secretariat. It was the first time when the formulation of “Nagorno Karabakh and other occupied territories of Azerbaijan” in the motion was used in official documents. Therefore, there was an unprecedented struggle regarding the appointment of rapporteur on the report in PACE Political Affairs Committee, Bureau, and plenary session. The main reason for this struggle was the title of draft resolution: “Escalation of tension in Nagorno Karabakh and other occupied territories of Azerbaijan”. This name virtually destroyed long-term aggressive policy of Armenians and Armenian state. Following the call of Armenian state and Armenian lobby, OSCE Minsk Group, which “deals with” Karabakh problem, power centers, all international organizations and NGOs, 45 CoE member states, except Turkey united to prevent this report, guided by the religious factor. Prominent Christian politicians, civil servants, religion, cultural and art figures, singers, even sportsmen united for helping their religious brother – Armenians and the aggressive state. Consequently, despite our struggle for a year and a half and our victory on the approval of rapporteur in the Committee and Bureau, the report was rejected with 4 votes (66 in favor, 70 against, 45 abstentions) during PACE winter plenary session on January 26, 2016.

The report on Sarsang reservoir titled “Inhabitants of frontier regions of Azerbaijan are deliberately deprived of water” based on my motion was also heard at the same plenary session. This report also reflected the occupation of Nagorno Karabakh and other territories of Azerbaijan by armed Armenian forces. However, the enemy couldn’t win this struggle. I referred to this resolution due to the fact that it is possible to gain a victory thanks to the constant determination of struggle despite all attacks and obstacles. I believe that “Qarabağ” FK is also capable of highest victories thanks to its determination.

We had the only goal for both reports: to expose aggressive Armenian policy and to document the occupation of Azerbaijani territories namely by Armenian state. The obstacles regarding the report on the “Escalation of tension in Nagorno Karabakh and other occupied territories of Azerbaijan” by rapporteur Robert Walter and the final vote result is similar to a defeat of Azerbaijani “Qarabağ” FK to “Chelsea” during UEFA Champions League: 0:4. This is not a metaphor, this is a bitter truth, as the participation of Azerbaijani “Qarabağ” FK in UEFA Champions League and its performance with grand football clubs of countries, such as England, Spain, and Italy before multiple football fans is an obstacle to Armenian policy of the occupation of Azerbaijani territories. Participation of “Qarabağ” FK in this respected league is not only our country’s success in football, but also a platform to bring the Azerbaijan realities, the occupation of Azerbaijani territories by the Armenian state, and Karabakh’s being the land of Azerbaijan to the attention of international community. However, this serves to destroy the policy carried out by power centers and international organizations in favor of Armenia. As “Qarabağ” FK moves forward, millions of people learn that Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan. Therefore, the pro-Armenian international community, which forbids the use of wording “Nagorno-Karabakh of Azerbaijan”, couldn’t let “Qarabağ” FK win.

It’s not an exception that the referees’ unprecedented injustice and hatred against our club in last three matches of “Qarabağ” FK are namely the political order given by power centers. A Clear and purposeful strategy was prepared to prevent “Qarabağ”’s victory. Facts emerging from the recent matches are part of this strategy. Showing red cards to Dino Ndlovu and Pedro Henrique Konzen, the strongest players of a club and banning them from next two matches, and showing a red card to Rashad Sadygov and at the same time awarding two penalties in the last match are the obvious examples of this strategy.

All these facts emerged unreasonably and were a sign of bias and hatred. This was not a victory of world-famous Chelsea FC over “Qarabağ” FK, but a victory of the referee with full of hatred and malice. This politicized defeat was not a defeat of “Qarabağ” FK, but the hypocrisy of the European democracy.

Dear Mr. Gurban Gurbanov and players of “Qarabağ” FK,

You should take into account that under the name of “Qarabağ” FK You are leading a powerful propaganda machine that brings the fact of occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and other territories of Azerbaijan to the attention of world community. The popularity of your team and victories make it difficult for the international organizations to defend aggressor Armenia. You should be ready for pressures and hatred of the referees, who work under the instructions of a Christian community, against the Muslim country and should not lose your determination of struggle. Our occupied territories may be returned to Azerbaijan only when Azerbaijan wins the information war. By demonstrating the greatest games, “Qarabağ” FK becomes a carrier of the most powerful information missile in the world.

I wish You and team players tolerance and determination!

Elkhan Suleymanov is MP of Shamakhi, Azerbaijan.

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