Turkish speaker accuses EP of protecting Armenia

Turkey has repeatedly expressed readiness to open the archives to reveal the truth about the 1915 events and urged for creating a joint commission on this issue, however, Armenia continues to reject this proposal, said Cicek.
“This shows that Armenia fears the world will learn the truth about the 1915 events,” the speaker added.
The resolution adopted by the European Parliament on Apr.15 said that Armenia and Turkey should use the “100th anniversary” of the “Armenian genocide” to restore the diplomatic relations, open borders and pave the way for economic integration.
Armenia and the Armenian lobby claim that Turkey`s predecessor, the Ottoman Empire allegedly carried out ”genocide” against the Armenians living in Anatolia in 1915.
Turkey in turn has always denied "the genocide" took place. While strengthening the efforts to promote the "genocide" in the world, Armenians have achieved its recognition by the parliaments of some countries.