The specific weight of construction materials in the total volume of export from Azerbaijan to Georgia amounted to 1.57 percent during the reporting period.
Some 8,250 metric tons of steel bars to the amount of $4.77 million was exported to Azerbaijan in January-April 2015. For comparison, Azerbaijan imported about 34,750 metric tons of steel bars worth $21.45 million from Georgia in January-April 2014.
In total, Georgia imported about $199.98 million worth of products from Azerbaijan in January-April 2015. The volume of import from Azerbaijan to Georgia has decreased by 5.5 percent during the reporting period. Azerbaijan ranks third among the countries from which Georgia imports products. The specific weight of Azerbaijani import in the total volume of imports to the country is 8.6 percent.
Georgia imports most of the goods from Turkey ($417.9 million). China ranks second in terms of imports worth $211.95 million.
Azerbaijan exports oil and oil products, natural gas, freight transport and construction materials to Georgia.
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