People injured in Azerbaijan’s Barda as result of Armenian missile attack

  08 October 2020    Read: 1327
 People injured in Azerbaijan’s Barda as result of Armenian missile attack

A missile fired by the Armenian Armed Forces at Azerbaijan’s Barda city hit a restaurant and a school, injuring seven people, reports citing the Azerbaijani General Prosecutor's Office.

Since September 27, the military-political leadership of the aggressor Armenia continues terrorist acts against the civilian population in gross violation of the norms and principles of international law.

On October 8th starting from 11 am, Armenian armed forces intensively fired rockets and artillery shells at Barda District, targeting settlements and demilitarized zones, as well as non-military clearly visible and distinguishable objects, including the civilian population.

As a result of a rocket hitting the "Gadim Barda" (Ancient Barda) restaurant in the centre of Barda city, two civilians were hospitalized with various injuries. At the same time, rockets falling near the secondary school No. 5 in Barda city resulted in injuring five people and inflicting excessive damage to the school building and numerous vehicles.

The prosecution authorities are currently carrying out all necessary investigative measures in combat conditions.

More about: #Barda   #Armenianaggression  

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